sábado, 21 de julio de 2012

bah. ha HA HA

Ya es hora de que muestre como van las evaluaciones en el departamento donde estudio, ArtScience en la KABK de La Haya. Voy a poner un caso bastante negativo porque me divierte, además ha dado la coincidencia que me han mandado dos reports sobre la misma asignatura, esa asignatura que dudas una y otra vez el porque la estas siguiendo y cuando planteas dejar la los profes te convencen diciendo que no hace falta que estés tanto en clase, eso si luego escriben cosas así:

Beoordeeld op: 16-06-2012

Clara has interesting ideas. She was not so much in the class and therefor there was not so much change or openeness for feedback. Her research process was unclear and not communicated. She appears as someone who lacks energy and intrinsic motivation to engage in a creative process and persevere and to be reactive rather than proactive to externall influences. She delivered a poetic endresult.

La misma profe en 04-05-2012

Clara has interesting and compelling ideas. She was often abstent from the class and therefore there was not so much chance for feedback and follow-up of her research process. She could benefit from being more open and engaged with the group. Her research process was often unclear, not communicated nor documented. She appears to be lacking energy and intrinsic motivation to engage in a both individual and collaborative research process. She could benefit from exercising self-initiative and perseverance. Being pro-active rather than reactive to external influences could help her self-esteem and interaction with her colleagues and teachers. Despite the absence and opaqueness of her research process, she delivered a poetic end result that shows a lot of potential and could have been developed further.

grade: 7

Eso si, me dan un 7 y los 7 créditos. Me rio?

Luego hay otros casos donde pasan cosas como que haces una pieza que te cagas, pero como los profes no te apoyaban decides mantener te al margen de ellos pero seguir currando a tope y entoces, charaaaa:

With a mesmerizing and magical end-result, you have showed your qualities as an artist and your ability to actually reshape and re-contextualize your ideas along the way. Your absences and somewhat distant position within the group results in a lower mark, mainly because this attitude stopped you and the group to incorporate your contribution into the final result.
Cijfer: 6.0

to be continued...

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