domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

while reading psychology...

... I discovered probably one of the main unconscious reasons why I might be writing this blog.

I was reading about the identity as a narrative, in the context of socio-affection development in kids between 2 and 11 years old, when I realized that our identity, being a kid or not, is based and situated in a symbolic space, at the same time moral. Moreover, a small part of what we are is based on THE memories of our first childhood, these memories are not OUR memories but THE memories; the ones which our caretakers selected and transmitted as relevant. However, the important part comes into terms of the narrative character of ID which allow us to conciliate the continuity and the different trajectories in our life. 

This blog might be the only way how I know and feel comfortable to put all my segments together. Here, in this virtual space, nothing is missing.

pic from Pictures from home - Larry Sultan.

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