In Barna it's raining non stop! OMG, worst than in the Nethrlands :P
And I'm so impatient to go and film outside, don't know what, but just go and film and see what happens!
I'm reconsidering lot's of mind things 'till I'm here, I'm even worried 'cause I'm not going out too much, don't know if it's 'cause I'm still not feeling physically alright or my mind is every day crazier.
Again doing some kind of psycoanalysis to all what sourrounds me. And I just need to enjooooy! :D
Btw, I have 3 weeks to enjoy parting, working in a wonderful space, meeting friends... Ahg! Can't wait Bego returns from Madrid-Fraga, Maria from Biescas and Xavi from London!
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