jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012


My friend Ari, we met when we were around 4, school times, our lovely Pins del Vallès!! Then hight school together and meetings for lunch at the university campus were she was studying maths and I was for that time in medicine bachelor. Didn't see her till this summer since I left to Netherlands, however, it seemed time didn't pass for us. It's been like any time we've seen each other, relaxed and open.

 Good people will always be.


1 comentario:

  1. Quanta raó. I molta il·lusió que em dediquessis una entrada. Tot i que les dues sabem que per molt q passin els anys, o q no parlem en mesos, o q una estigui a Berlin i l'altre segueixi a Barcelona, el temps no passa per nosaltres.
    M'encanta que així sigui. M'agrada la nostra relació.
    I com dirien unes velles conegudes...Friendship never ends.
