miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012


I have never been able, really, to figure out where my life begins and where it ends, I have never never been able to figure it all out, what’s all about, what all means, so when I began now to put all this rolls of film together, to string them together, the first idea was to keep them chronological, but then I gave up and I just began  splicing them together by chance, the way I found them on the shelf. Because I really don’t know where any piece of my life really belongs, so let it be, let it go, just by pure chance, disorder, there’s is some coherence some kind of order in it, order of its own, we can do not really understand them, same as I never understood life around me, the real life, as they say, or the real people, I never understood them, I still do not understand them, and I do not really want to understand them.

Jonas Mekas, As I was Moving Ahead, Occasionally I saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty.

martes, 27 de marzo de 2012

sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012

the sun goes by.

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

ArtScience meets Lighthouse festival

eucariotic punk + forest coaster

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

korzo theater



Enjoy a diverse evening curated by the
Artscience Interfaculty.
“Artscience”, formerly known as the interfaculty of image and sound, is an interdisciplinary and cross-medial artstudy using research and inspiration from science to discover new boundaries in the realms of Media-,Performing- and finearts.
The evening will show installations, live-
performances and films from versatile backgrounds, aimed to be enjoyed with all your five senses.
Enter the foyer to see four works of the project
“pyramids”, a 5-week research project that took place in tirana, albania, investigating a transformed
society where the traces of political systems are
see audio-visual performances by two of the six
artscience labs in the studio - collaborative live-
happenings by the “c0d3lab” and “recplay”. these will be alternating with
single & duo-performances in the club by students of the interfaculty, following a short Film Program and a party.
additionally we have two
continous installations in grote zaal, and go upstairs for a culinary kitchen-event by “groworld” -
a studentproject that investigated new imaginaries of a plant inspired culture.

.-. -.-


lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012


viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

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i feel like if the sky was following me

sábado, 3 de marzo de 2012


I've gotta feeling...

random memories

Hoy me han venido recuerdos a mi memória como el día que casi me atropeyan cuando era pequeñaja o la amiga que tenía en la guardería, Marta, una niña con retraso mental la mar de maja, me acuerdo como me apretujaba para dar me besos el día de mi cumpleaños.